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lg watch urbane和moto360简单对比

来源:本站整理时间:2015/5/12 17:55:06作者:GML点击: 0 评论:0

文章标签: LGWatchUrbane

lg watch urbane和moto360哪个好?这两款手表都是圆形表盘,而外观也是比较的精致耐看,具体有什么区别在选择上我们怎么来看呢?一起看看下面的内容吧!


LG Watch Urbane是一款非常出色的产品,它拥有着和传统手表类似的外形,并且和一般的非智能手表一样,具备很多方式的计时功能。不过,这也是理所应当的。


LG制造了两款Urbane版本。另外还有一款则配备了LTE radio,但其并未运行Android Wear操作系统,这也是出乎所有人意料的一个举动。其功能也有别于Moto360和Urbane.

在对比中我发现,Moto360的连接性更加广泛。将其与Nexus 6进行连接后,基本可以将信号贯穿整个公寓,在这方面Urbane稍显逊色。举个例子,就在今早我尝试对其进行一个简单测试。我想与妻子通过进行无线通话的方式来测试其信号的强度和清晰度。当时手机就放在卧室,它与客厅之间大概有10米以上的距离,但效果并不是很好,当我向手机方向靠近一些后,清晰度慢慢增加了。

再来说说颜值。Urbane显然更明亮一些,只是默认的字体设置比Moto360的偏小。 但是其美观程度确实更加引人注意,谁敢说自己百分之百不是外貌协会呢?


实际上,我并未对其进行全部完整的测试,只是进行了一些常规的功能使用。总体来说LG Watch Urbane还是不错的,无论是从外形设计上,还是性能方面都说得过去。如果你也感兴趣,就做出自己的选择吧。


These are both Android Wear watches, and since Google doesn't allow custom skins, their software is basically identical. The only differences are add-on apps, like Motorola's Connect app.

Android Wear is great at voice control, notifications (including contextual info via Google Now) and basic fitness tracking. It doesn't, however, go far beyond those areas right now.


Looking at the watches' bodies, the Watch Urbane is 13 percent taller and just about the same width as the Moto 360. The Urbane is also about 5 percent thinner than Motorola's flagship (though the Urbane is actually a little thicker than the G Watch R).


LG hasn't yet listed the weight of the Watch Urbane. Unless it's sitting at an unusual extreme, though, this probably isn't anything to worry about.


That new all-stainless steel body is the LG Watch Urbane's big upgrade. Apart from the fashionable makeover, it also has a cleaner look than the G Watch R (it loses the diver watch markings).

Though most of the Moto 360's body is made of stainless steel, its wrist-facing backside is made of plastic.

Physical buttons

Each of these watches only has one physical button, mostly for powering on and off (you can also long-press it for a menu shortcut).


The LG Watch Urbane will ship in silver and gold options.

The Moto 360 is only sold in three different body colors (black, silver and gold), but Motorola now sells quite a few different band options. These include leather, metal and narrow metal options, each in several different colors.

Default band (entry-level)

For the Moto 360's US$250 starting price, you get a leather band (much like with the LG Watch Urbane). But you can also pay $50-80 more for a Moto 360 with one of those metal band options.

Swappable band

Both watches also let you swap their default bands for other 22 mm standard straps.

Display (size)

The Urbane's fully round 1.2-in screen is around 72 percent as big as the Moto 360's. You'll notice that the almost round Moto has a small section cut out from the bottom of its display.

Display (resolution)

The LG Watch Urbane has a 20 percent sharper screen.

Display (type)

Since it's the same display that we saw in the G Watch R, we know that the Urbane's plastic OLED screen will have deeper blacks and richer colors than the Moto's IPS.

The Moto's IPS screen also plays a role in our next category ...


The Moto 360's 22 percent smaller battery, when combined with its not-so power efficient processor and IPS display tech, makes battery life less than stellar. If you don't mind your watch sporting a black screen when you aren't actively using it, then it shouldn't have any problem lasting a full day, but when you turn on its ambient display mode (which keeps a dimmed clock face on more often) you might be running on fumes by day's end.

Android phone compatibility

Like all Android Wear watches, both of these will require an Android handset running 4.3 or higher. The watch will maintain a constant Bluetooth connection with your phone, and won't be good for much of anything on its own.

iPhone compatibility

In case you haven't heard, Android Wear watches won't play nicely with iPhones. iPhone owners will have to wait until April to get a flagship smartwatch of their own.

Heart rate sensor

Both watches have heart rate monitors, but LG and Motorola handle them a little differently. The Urbane's only fires up on-demand, while the Moto 360 tracks your pulse in the background throughout the day, in addition to on-demand.

Water resistance

Both watches have IP67 water and dust resistance, which means they can take a bath in 1 m (3.3 ft) of water for 30 minutes and keep on ticking.


The Urbane's Snapdragon 400 is the standard among the early Android Wear watches, while Motorola skimped a bit here, offloading some otherwise obsolete Texas Instruments processors in the Moto 360.

The Moto doesn't have any performance concerns, but we found that Snapdragon 400 watches do run a bit snappier and smoother. That dated TI CPU also isn't likely helping with the Moto's battery issues.


Both watches have 512 MB of RAM, basically industry standard for today's smartwatches.


Ditto for the 4 GB of storage you'll find in each watch. Considering how lightweight most Android Wear apps are, this should be more than you'll ever need.

You do have the option of syncing Google Play Music onto your watch for some offline listening (after pairing with wireless headphones), and that could have storage coming into play a bit more. But this is a pretty clunky process and not something we see many customers using right now.


No word yet on the release date for the LG Watch Urbane. All we know now is that the company will be showing off its watch at Mobile World Congress in early March.





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